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Full-Service Thirdy-Party Administration For Qualified Retirement Plans
Full-Service Thirdy-Party Administration For Qualified Retirement Plans

Bessen Actuarial Services specializes in the design and administration of Defined Benefit Pension Plans for small-businesses with few or no employees.

Bob Bessen, founder and owner, takes a unique approach to successfully administering Defined Benefit Plans.  With different considerations than other types of retirement plans, Bob’s specialization ensures that issues particular to Defined Benefit Plans for small-business owners are properly addressed and managed.

Haven’t been saving enough for retirement? The government recognizes that small-business owners & entrepreneurs don’t always have the resources to take advantage of the tax incentives to save for retirement while they’re growing their businesses. A Defined Benefit Plan permits a business owner to make up for lost time ...

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Why Pick Bob Bessen

Work directly with Bob, an Enrolled Actuary, from start to finish.  Bob provides the continuity that keeps the focus on each business owner’s objectives and considerations, with a watchful eye toward future funding opportunities ...

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